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John Jackson
As Executive Director of both the Senior Trust Retirement Village Income Generator and Senior Trust Capital Limited, John has been involved in making investments in the senior living sector and aged care industry for many years.
With a real passion for the sector, John’s been instrumental in numerous retail offerings for a wide range of commercial property and senior living entities as an adviser, director, or manager. He has also held senior executive officer positions in a number of financial service organisations including Bayley Financial Services Limited and Vanguard Capital Limited.
John has been a Director of these Senior Trust companies:
In 2011, Senior Trust Management – the manager of Senior Trust Retirement Village Fund Portfolio D (a unit trust) issued $9.3 million units, which were fully repaid in cash or refinanced by the Portfolio E unit trust.
In 2012, Senior Trust Capital became a continuous issuer of securities in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act that specialises in lending to and investing in senior living communities.
In 2014, Senior Trust Management, the manager of Senior Trust Retirement Village Fund Portfolio E (a unit trust) issued $13.4m units.
In 2015, Senior Trust Management issued the Senior Trust Retirement Village Listed Fund, whose units are listed on the NZX Main Board and has units issued of $42.25m.