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Specialist lenders, to the premium senior living sector. Strong track record of returns and share stability.

Despite a decade of significant growth, senior living communities are still struggling to meet demand

from an ageing population. Since 1999, our team have been instrumental in funding the building

and expansion of quality senior living communities throughout New Zealand. Investment is secured by solid, bricks and mortar assets.

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Annual Report 2023 - A year of measured growth

We are pleased to report a year of significant growth which has enabled us to increase our return to Shareholders. Review our 2023 Annual Report:

Watch: Our investment portfolio - premium facilities, sought after locations

Worried about the increase in scam activity?

The responsibility of managing your investment and protecting your capital is our top priority. We are focused on cyber-security, you can reference our credentials here:

We are an issuer of security in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act.

The application form contained within our Product Disclosure Statement, specifies our New Zealand bank and account details.

Our audited
Financial Statements can be viewed at:
View Statements

Your investment will be held in an online secure portal,
protected by your own personal password.

A track record of delivering attractive returns to investors

We intend to maintain the history of superior returns and deliver regular PIE taxed quarterly income distributions to investors, as illustrated in the graph below.

Request your free information pack today:

Like to learn more about investing with Senior Trust? Please add your details below and your preferred delivery method and we will get that out to you.

Your information pack will be sent by email. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check all your other email folders.

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Experienced hands

As the sector specialist, the management team has been funding premium senior living communities throughout New Zealand since 1999. Our investors benefit from our specialist industry knowledge, depth of expertise and that of our established network over the past 20 years.

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Specialist connections

Leveraging our specific network built up over two decades, in an orderly, well-regulated sector, provides a quality lifestyle for retirees.

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Efficient structure

We run a tight ship focused on investor returns – fixed, low overheads and a tax-efficient PIE fund structure.

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Diverse portfolio

Quality senior housing nationwide, selected using stringent criteria. Helping to alleviate shortages and keeping families together.

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Service excellence

An experienced agile team delivering 24/7 service. Clear, regular communication, attuned to the specific needs of senior investors.

Retirement village sector
lady handing keys to old man in car

"I have been an investor with Senior Trust for many years. I recently needed money urgently to buy a car and was able to do so quickly and efficiently using the Income Generator buy back facility."

David, Horowhenua

Innovating in NZ senior living sector investment since 1998


John Jackson (a current Income Generator Executive Director) adviser, manager of securities and director in the senior living (SL) and commercial property sectors since 1998.


Organised issue of fully subscribed SL retail investment offer. Leads to establishment of funding entity, delivering long term income returns, backed by brick and mortar assets.


Retirement Village Act enacted, providing robust regulatory framework to protect resident interests and ensure registered senior living facilities have an independent supervisor.


John founds Senior Trust Management Limited (STML). ———

ST SL Portfolio C established (Manager - STML).

A proud track record of delivering consistent returns for our investors.

1. Get more information

2. Becoming a new investor is easy

3. Add to my investment

When investing, past performance is no guarantee of future performance. A minimum subscription of $1,000 applies. Applications will only be received on the application form supplied with the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).


Please read the PDS before investing. Note that the definition of "Retirement Village" used in the PDS is wider than a village which is registered under the Retirement Villages Act and includes other types of residential accommodation for persons above a defined age. The latest information about our current loans is set out in the ‘Table of Loans’ document on the Disclose Register.

The current targeted distribution rate is 8% (pre-tax) per annum. Our distribution policy is set at the discretion of the directors and is not a fixed rate of return. Payment of distributions is not guaranteed. We recommend you seek financial advice relevant to your circumstances.


Registered Office:

Level 1, 20 Beaumont Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland, 1010

Postal Address:

The Directors, PO Box 113120, Newmarket, Auckland, 1149

Copyright © Senior Trust. All rights reserved.

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